Musingplace Relationships Chart

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This chart is based on the proposition that a 'musingplace' stands alone as an entity rather than exist under the aegis of some other entity – Government (Federal, State, Local), University, organisation, business. An analogy here would be any not-for-profit incorporated association that is incorporated to protect its membership and ensure its accountability as a not-for-profit 'operation'.

Typically,'public musingplaces' operate under the aegis of 'government' as statutory authorities, a special committee, department, etc. There is increasing evidence that while this provides 'notional accountability' functional accountability is not automatically guaranteed.

In the end this does not offer those who 'invest ' in musinplaces in all their machinations:
Any guarantee that their investments in the form of taxes, rates, donations, sponsorships etc. have been applied to their intended purpose;
 Any guarantee that the operation meets any of the implied obligations taken on by trustees, management, staff, collection managers, et al;
 Any guarantee that the operation conforms to any 'best practice standards' even though they may be articulated in published plans etc;
 Any guarantee that stated policies are being implemented in the ways members of incorporated associations can via their constitutions.

The accountability implied by democratic elections does not functionally provide a musingplace's Community of Ownership and Interest (COI) with the reasonable assurances they deserve and have a right to expect.

It seems that under current Federal and/or State government law the kinds of guarantees and assurances that apply to 'incorporated associations' apply to musingplaces unless they are of course incorporated as standalone organisations.


 Corporate Entity: Any standalone self governing corporate legal entity with some form of membership
 Charter: Any legal document that sets out what an operation's purpose and objectives are in fact and to which the operation will be held accountable
 Governor and Trustees: Any group of people authorised to determine a musingplace's policies and policy settings are in regard to cultural material held under their stewardship
 Collection: Any collection of material and/or objects that provide the institution with the means by which it can carry out research and deliver its program
 Research: Those activities carried out by the institution that lead to the acquisition of new knowledge and/or understandings and especially so in regard to the delivery of its program
 Executive & Management: Any group of people whose role it is to implement the policies and determinations of a governing body
 Operational Staff: Any people employed in a musingplace operation and who have been supplied with a duty statement along with a set of obligations
 Executive  Body: Any group of people  – employed, appointed, commissioned, etc. – who administer the realisation of both policy determinations and managerial directions relative to the musingplace's operation
 Infrastructure, Assets & Services: Refers to the set pragmatic requirements that an operation needs to function appropriately and that fall under the operational ownership or the support of the 'corporate entity' as an operation– buildings, stock, equipment, accountancy, etc.
 Sponsors & Donors: Those people, groups, organisations, et al who provide any form of support to the operation without the requirement of direct payment but possibly in expectation of some particular outcome being received
 Program: Any set of organised events arranged for the benefit of the institution's Community of Ownership and Interest
 Publication: Anything presented and distributed by the operation as a consequence of it fulfilling its purpose, carrying out structured research and in support of its program – exhibitions, books, essays, websites, anthologies, community projects, lectures, films, performances, reviews
 Investors: Those people, organisations, businesses et al who are prepared to to be a collaborative/cooperative investor in a project or program in anticipation of a cash dividend being delivered
 Funding Agencies: Any government or corporate body  that provides funding to institutions, organisations, groups and/or individuals to fulfil an aspiration of the funding body via a grant or loan
 Community of Ownership and Interest: (compound noun/proposition) an all-inclusive collective/community of people, individuals and groups, who in any way have multi layered relationships with a place or cultural landscape and/or the operation of an institution, organisation or establishment – typically a network ... usage and context.– cultural geography; civic and environmental planning; and community administration ... [LINK]

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